Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Starting My Blogging Activties

I have heard the word " blogging" for already quite some time. I am someone who likes to express my feelings via writing and blogging seems the perfect tool for me to get my feelings across. Unfortunately, I am a big procrastinator at times and it is only after 5 years that I start to write. I am making it a commitment to write on a weekly basis but if I can spare some time out of my busy working schedules, you shall see more of me here.

Travelling and eating are my two of my greatest passions. Therefore, expect to seee bountiful of reviews on these two topics. Get ready to be blown away by some naked truth that you don't get to see in many of the travel and eating guides. It is going to be different I promise. I currently reside in a third world country called Cambodia and if you are coming from a so called developed country, you will be intrigued by what you can find in my blog.

In addition, before I forget, I'm an avid fan or you can call a die-hard fan of Arsenal Football Club (AFC). You can also see me reviewing on this favourite team of mine a lot too. All the opinions with regards to AFC are certainly very biased as I am 100% on the team's side, for better or worse. A lot of soccer jargons and footballers names will be used in my blog site and if you are an soccer idiot like my wife, please do not fret. I'm sure you'll be thrilled with many other topics that you are going to encounter here.

Well, it's a good beginning after all. I will write again very soon. Wish me luck in my blogging journey........