Thursday, December 24, 2015

Every Day Miracles @ Bangkok, Thailand (14 May 2013)

Another miracle took place in my life on this fateful day. I was very certain that I heard God's voice to wake up early in the morning to go and process my multiple entry business visa to Myanmar. I obeyed the calling of God and hit straight to the embassy to get my visa sorted out. I actually submitted all my related documents with the hopes of securing a 6-month multiple entry into Myanmar. However, God has bigger plans for me and I was pretty sure that He wanted me to get into Myanmar to be "His Ambassador". The lady at the counter that day was very friendly to me and even remembered me from my last trip to the embassy. She offered to help me to process my visa immediately and instead of the originally 6 months visa application plan, she assisted me to apply for the 1 year multiple entry visa instead. I was once again in a disbelief state. She then told me to proceed to the payment counter and make the appropriate payment. The guy at the payment counter must have had a rough day. He was very rude to virtually everyone in front of me. There was one poor Thai guy whose passport was thrown back at him for inadequate details. The moment of truth came when it came to my turn. He had a 360 degrees change of attitude and he was so friendly to me. Even when I had insufficient funds to pay for me visa application, he offered to keep my passport for me and politely asked me to head back to the hotel and get the necessary payment to complete the process of my Myanmar visa. I then hailed a motor tuk-tuk on the roadside who was with a sense of urgency and very accommodating too. I returned to the embassy at around 1000 hours and when I arrived at the payment counter, I made the balance of payment and to my surprise, my visa was ready and I managed to collect it instantaneously. The visa collection time was normally at 1500 hours but I got mine settled in the morning instead. Wow, how awesome it is when you have the favour of God with you. I headed back to the hotel with a sense of gratitude and a very familiar Bible verse came up to my head. The precious verse given to me was Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV) stating, "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." I am so privileged to be called the son of the King of Kings and The Lord of Lords.

Every Day Miracles @ Bangkok, Thailand (24 April 2013)

My visa application to Myanmar was twice rejected at the Myanmar Embassy in Bangkok as Myanmar was having some fighting tension between the Buddhists & Muslims in the city of Meiktila. All Muslim countries are temporarily denied entry into Myanmar. As I needed to be there to attend an urgent meeting in Yangon, I was down and devastated. Suddenly, a little voice came into my head and said, "Have Faith & Go". Off I went to the embassy on that fateful day at approximately 1500 hours. The queue was as long as a dragon and somehow, I just managed to cut queue and hit straight to the enquiry counter. In normal circumstances, this is not possible but the counter lady on that day was just so friendly and assisted my every enquiry. I kept asking her why my visa was rejected and I told her that I really needed to be in Yangon for an important meeting. She channelled my request to the Ambassador and lo and behold, she asked me to hand over my application form and passport for immediate process. I was shocked and in a disbelief state as this is not possible in normal circumstances. Moreover, I was at the embassy during the visa collection period and not the visa processing period. After handing in my passport and application form, I sat at a corner for about 15 minutes. Stress and doubts started to creep in and I knew that the only way to combat this was by prayers. I started praying rigorously and claiming God's promises for my life. In Romans 8:31 (NIV), it clearly says that,"What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Suddenly, another bible verse sprang to my mind, Matthew 17:20 (NIV) states that, "....Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Right after my prayers and claiming the promises of God, I heard my name being called by the counter lady that my visa has been approved and I just paid and collected my passport with visa to Myanmar approved. I started jumping for joy and praised God's Almighty name again and again. He has shown me who is the "Big Boss" and He is in full control of my tiny, fragile life. I am so ecstatic to serve the One True God who reigns forevermore.